Depression is a mental health condition which is marked by an overwhelming feeling of isolation with predominent sadness and despair that affects how a person thinks, feels and functions. Condition may interfere significantly with daily life and may prompt thoughts of suicide, depression is not like sadness, loneliness or grief which is caused by challenging life experience for example death of loves ones. Depression is more common in females than males and it can affect all ages, races and sociology economic classes.


The are several different types or subtypes of depression

This is a less severe form of depression but the depression symptoms linger for the long term. The person functions normally but seems consistently unhappy. It is common for dysthymia to also develop a superimposed period of major depression, which then lessens without fully going away and is called as double depression. 


  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Excessive feelings of worthlessness 
  • No interest in activities or the inability to enjoy oneself. 
  • Appetite changes 
  • Loss of energy or fatigue feeling. 
  • Suicidal thoughts 
  • Difficulty in concentrating, thinking or making decisions. 

To diagnosed dysthymia, symptoms must persist for at least 2yrs in adult and 1year in children or adolescents. 

Person feels a profound and constant sense of hopelessness and despair. Major depression is highlighted by a combination of symptoms that interferes with the ability to work, sleep, eat, study and enjoys once pleasurable activities. 


  • Sadness 
  • Irritability 
  • Withdrawal from surrounding or social activities 
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed 
  • Inability to concentrate 
  • Fatigue or loss of energy 
  • Disrupted sleep 
  • Changes in appetite 
  • Suicidal thoughts. 

approximately 25% of people who get hospitalised for depression suffer from psychotic depression. 

  • Hallucinations: seeing or hearing things that really there. 
  • Delusion fears and irrational thoughts 


  • Agitation 
  • Paranoia 
  • Anxiety nervousness and fear  
  • Insomnia-difficulty falling and staying asleep 
  • Hallucinations (false perception) 
  • Physical immobility 
  • Intellectual impairment 
  • Delusion (fixed, false beliefs)

Mood swings or episodes that range from extreme of high energy with an up mood to low depressive period.

Mainly in winter months, when days grow short and get less sunlight.


It is not fully understood, scientist says their maybe imbalance in the brains signaling, but there are conditions also for imbalance such as it could be situational-early childhood trauma, loss of job, death of loved one, financial trouble or divorce.

Mostly it is combination of genetic, biological, environmental or psychological factors. Medical condition such as under active thyroid gland, cancer, heart disease, prolonged pain and illness can also lead to depression. Hormonal induced depression such as after child birth and menopause as well.

  • Diagnosis

    Physicians may ask family health history, mood and behavior pattern (such as eating and sleeping) and thoughts of suicide. It should also be ruled out, that symptoms are not caused by any medical condition like thyroid problems or due to direct effects of drug or medication.

  • Treatment

    It involves psychotherapy therapy, medication or combination of both. Antidepressants helps to alter mood by affecting naturally occurring brain chemical like (SSRIs) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors it helps to target the brains serotonin a signaling chemical (neurotransmitter) which study had focused to be involved in depression. Other type of antidepressants like Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) and Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRI) are also used.


  • Arsenic Alb

    Restlessness, anxiety about health where the person experiences restlessness, symptoms like sadness, gloom, fear, trembling, chilliness, weakness, changing position from one side to another and nausea that gets worse after midnight indicates the need for this medicine. Insecure, anxious and perfectionistic people with high standard for themselves and others and become depressed if their expectations are not met.

  • Ignatia Amara

    Depression due to acute grief. Social isolation, sadness and aversion to talking are marked symptoms. Aversion to talk and sudden mood changes may occur.

  • Calcarea Carb

    Fear of some impending misfortune where the person has developed a marked fear of some terrible mishap. Symptoms such as shuddering, palpitation and restlessness with anxiety, sweating and trembling, nausea and a fear of death and hopelessness. Mainly anxiety is worse at night. Person who feels chilly and sluggish and easily gets tired on exertion. Dependable person who becomes overwhelmed from too much worry, work or because of physical illness.

  • Causticum

    Person is depressed because of grief and loss (present, recent or past situations). There is mental dullness associated with crying and forgetfulness (such as keep checking identity card in bag, stove is put off or not or door is locked) The person are always sympathetic towards others and having strong sense of justice can be deeply discouraged or get angry about the whole world.

  • Kali Phosphoricum

    Exhausted, nervous person who is having difficulty in working or concentrating and lose confidence easily and get discouraged also. Person gets depressed after working too hard, being physically ill or going through prolonged emotional stress or excitement. Headache from mental efforts, sensitive to cold, insomnia, indigestion are often seen in this remedy.

  • Natrum Carbonicum

    Person keeps making an effort to be cheerful and helpful, trying to avoid conflicts whenever possible. When they have a feeling of loneliness they listen to sad music which can isolate them more. They keep their feelings to themselves even after getting hurt.

  • Natrum Mur

    Mainly reserved, responsible with strong inner feelings of grief, anger, and fear of misfortune. Even though they want other people to understand them or feel for them, but still they get angry when someone tries to console them and needs to cry alone. Brooding on past unpleasant events. Patients have a strong craving for salt.


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