A drop in temperature is an indication that the cold and flu season will soon start. If you are not careful, you could be one of the thousands to lakhs of people who get sick.

Of course, one of the best ways to protect yourself is by building up your immunity so that you don’t need to visit a doctor. To build your immunity, you have to ensure that you have adequate nutrition required in your diet that you consume. Hence, diet not only plays an important role in prevention but also while recovery.

Here is a list of immune-boosting foods and drinks that will help you in cold and cough-

  • Ginger tea is known to be best foods in providing relief. As mentioned in a recent article published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, the authors concluded that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and it can play a key role in boosting immunity
  • Vitamin C, found in Amla and Orange has antioxidant properties and is helpful in preventing and can help lower the duration and severity of a cold.
  • Apples are rich in flavonoids.Infact, the antioxidant power of apples is estimated to have more than 1,500mg of Vitamin C. May be that is the reason behind the quote “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
  • Blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants that can help treat and prevent colds and coughs (approximately 33%). Similarly, Cranberries are a potent source of polyphenols, that lower the rate of inflammatory disease.
  • Pineapples are known for their anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain. Bromelain has been reported to provide relief in cough and soothe a sore throat. The rich source of vitamin C is an added bonus!
  • Tomatoes are also a great food due to their high concentration of vitamin C (one medium tomato contains 16 milligrams of Vitamin C)
  • Although unbelievable, but it is true that dark chocolate can be extremely helpful in warding off of a cold. Dark chocolate contains a heavy concentration of theobromine, an antioxidant that is beneficial in alleviating cough, as mentioned in a Journal ‘Frontiers in pharmacology’.
  • Ginseng tea is popular as well for many reasons other than its delicious taste. It is good in upper respiratory tract infections and acts as a immune booster
  • University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers reported broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables can be a great addition to your diet, as it helps to boost immunity. Researchers claim that sulforaphane, a chemical that is found in this vegetable, modifies antioxidant genes in specific immune cells, that help in combating the free radicals in the body and thus prevents one from getting sick.
  • Phytochemicals are the natural chemicals that are found in plants that boost immunity and are found in dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits. Spinach is a major superfood that is great for your overall health. Not only is it packed with digestion-regulating fiber, but it also contains Vitamin C.
  • Garlic has built a reputation for being one of the best cold-curing foods amongst many others. A review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews showed that a group of participants who had common-cold over a 3-month period reported 65 cases in control group as compared to only 24 cases who ate garlic.
  • When having cold, water is one of the most helpful drinks to sip. Staying hydrated can help loosen trapped mucus. It is recommended to drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day to keep one fully hydrated since the body tends to lose more fluids when not well.
  • Needless to say, as a general rule, one should avoid outside food, raw food, junk and spicy food, too much sweets when not well.